19 April 2018
Case study: Design and development of a website for the “Good Text” project
Another exciting project that we wanted to share with you is the design and development of a website for the “Good Text” school of literary craftsmanship.
Its first session was held in January 2016. They used mainly Facebook for promotion and support. However, the founders wanted to develop the life of their community outside of the training sessions too.
And that’s how the idea came about to have a website where readers, publishers, and writers – both amateur and professional, would be able to communicate with each other and have all sorts of literate discussions.
The guys at the “Good Text” asked us for help and we made it happen! We launched the website in July 2017 and it now has around 18 thousand of unique visitors per month.
Want to know more about this awesome project? Check out our new case study!
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