16 October 2019
Our new project WebVR site for the White Tower featured on Muzli!
We were planning to share our new project a little bit later, but yesterday it was featured in top picks on Muzli (woohoo!), so there is no point in delaying it any further)
Long story short, we have launched a WebVR website for The Constructivist White Tower.
What's awesome about this site is that it can be viewed not only on desktops and mobile phones but also in the browser in VR (as it's been created specifically for VR).
The White Tower is a famous monument of constructivism, located in Yekaterinburg, Russia. This is a water tower, which was built for the Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant, one of the largest engineering enterprises in Russia, also known as Uralmash. The author of the White Tower is the architect Moisei Reischer.
We will certainly tell you more about this project (and will probably write about it more than once).
In the meantime, go ahead and discover our beautiful White Tower and its history!
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