May 31, 2024

LBE Features of Killer Tennis

Case study

Killer Tennis is an LBE VR experience; it’s distributed across VR arcades in malls and entertainment centers. It’s a crucial factor that influences a lot of decisions during the production process. We’ve got solid experience of collaborating with LBE platforms; lately we’ve been partnering with Synthesis and Springboard. Here are a few core requirements we follow when we create LBE titles, and Killer Tennis specifically: 

🏓 Zero learning curve & quick launch 

Killer Tennis is a multiplayer game for families and friends. When people visit arcades, they don’t have time to watch long interactive tutorials. They can’t wait to play, so we should give them this opportunity with an easy quick launch. Just a few moments in the waiting room until all players put on headsets, and you’re good to play! 

🏓 No latency 

The game should be impeccably smooth from the technical point of view. Otherwise, it’s simply not a good fit for this gaming format. 

🏓 Fluid gameplay 

We want players to come back for more and experiment with winning strategies. Our game has 3 levels of complexity, a system of bonuses and smart automatic aiming. 

Full case study about Killer Tennis here. If you want to boost your LBE spot, we may discuss development of an engaging game for your audience.

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