JetStyle at Home: Some updates on our life in self-isolation
Don't know about you, but our index of internal education has definitely increased during self-isolation. Maybe because it's easier to get everyone together online, or, perhaps, there are some other reasons, but in the last two months almost everyone at JetStyle has had new classes:
- our designers have learned how to program Snake game in JavaScript;
- they also held an internal design battle and competed in creating a new logo for JetStyle at home;
- our developers study fundamental informatics once a week, and then solve various tasks at Computer Science seminars;
- our CEO Alexey Kulakov held several meetings where he shared techniques that make online teamwork as effective and interesting as offline, and help to establish contacts both within the team and with clients;
- Scrum fans have organised a series of classes and figured out in detail when this method is useful and necessary, and when you can do something easier (and polished it all with a seminar about processes that process processes)));
- and the coffee lovers spent their May bank holidays talking with a coffee shop owner about the types and varieties of coffee, degree of roasting, and grinding of beans, and learned how to make their favourite hot beverage at home. After this online class we drink it more consciously in the mornings) And we can't wait for the lockdown restrictions to be lifted so we can visit a proper offline workshop to learn even more tricks for making the perfect cup of coffee.
As you can see, we are not bored at all, and we still have lots to do. For example, this week we will be discussing the research of our colleagues on how the Coronavirus pandemic impacts marketing strategy.
By the way, we not only study online but we also workout. On Mondays and Wednesdays, we exercise in Zoom with our fitness trainer Vasily. And throughout the week he sends notes and instructions for exercises that can be done at home as homework. We hope that we will defeat the sedentary lifestyle familiar to IT people, and come out from quarantine fit and beautiful)