June 14, 2024

VR Ride Installment

Video on Linkedin

JetStyle has been developing VR experiences for 5+ years. At the start of the production process, we usually share our experience on how to make the rides cost-effective. There are at least 3 important success factors: 

👓 The VR experience should be an upsell to an existing entertainment, not a standalone one.

👓 The plot of the ride should be connected to the place it’s located in. 

👓 The VR ride should provide emotions your audience can never experience in real life. 

Our job is to take care of the two last points. Also, to cut costs on staff, we provide our clients with a customized app they use to launch the ride on an unlimited amount of rigs – so they need only 1 operator on the spot. 

Just 4-5 months of production, and your touristic entertainment gets a significant boost in profits. Here’s some background from our latest project: watch the video from the official account of Stockholm VR about how the rigs were installed. They were transported to the spot in an actual sea can.

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