September 20, 2024

Product Research Cycle

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During previous months we were sharing our favorite flow of research for product teams; read more about it here.

This sequence of research practices has been invented and tested by Pauline Bynova, JetStyle’s CMO and marketing expert. We asked her to share tips about processing its results: 

“After you’re done with an NPS, a series of in-depth interviews and a CSI, you have a list of prioritized tasks in the backlog. They all grow from real feedback from your customers. You implement the changes, estimate their effect, keep track of the target metrics – and start over. With each research cycle you have new users; invite them to be the audience for your next NPS research. Their opinion will help you see whether your product development goes the right way. 

The flow I described is really simple to set up and maintain. You don’t need thousands of new users; your biggest challenge is communication with the unhappy audience. However, I assure you there’s nothing more inspiring for your team than true feedback from the customers. I recommend you to invite different members of your product team – developers, designers, even CEOs – to interviews with customers. They’ll draw a lot of inspiration from the conversations”. 

Let us know if you need help during any of the stages of your product research process. 

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