November 9, 2023

Pro Design Tips For Midjourney

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JetStyle’s design department has been going hand in hand with neural networks for more than a year now; we implement AI for dozens of tasks, from concept development to social media designing. 

Alex Perminov is our PR designer and one of the most proficient specialists in collaborating with AI. We asked him to share his pro tips for working with Midjourney, and he came up with a list of key recommendations. They are not just for beginners; we guess the hacks might be useful even for those who are already experienced in working with AI:

  1. Aspect ratio matters 

Changing the aspect ratio is the first thing you have to do, if your network is not giving you the desired result. 

For instance, in the default mode, Midjourney creates 1:1 images. You add "--ar" setting to change the aspect ratio – and quite often the result of your generation changes. Horizontal ratio makes your images more dynamic, while vertical ones are more static and symmetrical. 

  1. Watch your language 

Experiment with your wording. 

Are you sure you’re using the correct name of an object? This is especially relevant for non-native English speakers. If the image is not corresponding to what you have in mind, google for other naming options. Most probably, choosing other words will help you find common language with the neural network. 

  1. Context is the King 

Each word you type in is a token, and it means something to the neural network. 

Try to strike a balance between a complicated prompt and a simple one. On the one hand, if you want to generate a Balenciaga-styled image, specify your idea. Should it be a character in a costume designed by Balenciaga, or a shot of Balenciaga’s fashion show? Your prompt needs to include these details. 

Also, avoid abstract prompting. “Create an image for a social media blog" is a really vague prompt, and it overuses AI’s computational power. Neural networks don’t need extra words like ‘please’, ‘create an image’, etc., even if you want to be polite with the neural network. 

  1. Generate, give feedback, repeat 

Share your references with the neural network, and stick to the iterative approach. 

It almost never works on the spot; just be ready that AI needs you to specify your request. Generation process should go iteratively. 

  1. Remember your roots 

Combine various versions of AI tools – the result may satisfy you more, than if you just stick to only the latest version. 

With each new update Midjourney offers new functions and models for you to switch to. At the same time, Midjourney’s inner parameters change as well, and it influences how the network processes your prompts. Sometimes it works not for your benefit, so simply switch to the older version if Midjourney stops collaborating the way it used to. 

  1. Experiment 

Even though Midjourney’s user guide is a pretty hard read, don’t skip it.  

You may find some useful parameters to level up your generations. My personal favorite is "--weird" that basically adds some extraordinary spice to your art. Among other parameters worth you attention I’d like to mention these ones: 


Read more about them in Midjourney’s Documentation – and share the results of your experiments in the comments on Linkedin or Twitter! Let me know if these tips are useful. 

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