November 21, 2022

Knowflow Concept Map Editor

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This is Knowflow, a multi user concept map editor. At first, we created it for the web, then adapted for VR to make it more immersive. Knowflow has given a great boost to our brainstorm activities. 

Knowflow is used to visualize group thinking processes. The tool is great for: 

✏️Arranging information in order,

✏️Solving tasks or conflicts, 

✏️Finding your own vision of a situation, 

✏️Sharing the vision with others. 

We also love Knowflow for its ability to integrate with other tools for group work such as chats and task trackers. All in all, it makes a practical solution for companies that are trying to improve their group work flow. 

Knowflow can be customized to solve your business’s teamwork challenges. Get in touch if you want to discuss your own VR tool.

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