Together with our long-term partner Extra Axis, JetStyle has developed a unique entertaining VR experience in Stockholm.

This is our third ride made for a European city. 
We’ve already created and set up VR rides in Amsterdam and Scheveningen, the Netherlands. By the third ride we’ve learned to achieve high levels of immersiveness, develop impressive graphics and create engaging lore.

Our task was to create a VR ride around Stockholm, a North beauty of Europe. The city’s historical, architectural and cultural heritage was going to be the core source of inspiration.


km —



Smooth Transition

We always try to make the transition from the real world to virtual reality as smooth as possible. That’s why, after putting on the headset, the visitors see an accurate 3D reconstruction of the very place where they were standing just a second ago in reality.

Real photo


authentic 3D

For our rides, we always create authentic 3D models of the locations to achieve a high level 
of detailing.

Render from the engine


Then we upload the outlines of the objects into a custom made script that helps generate buildings that look almost perfectly realistic — yet they are lightweight and well optimized. The combination of the hand-made models and generated ones creates the ideal cityscape.

We implement hand-made modeling for all objects of the forefront. When we work with mid- and far-distance views we purchase Open Street Map geo data. It helps to save time on parts of the route where it’s appropriate.

Of course, we could not go without the magnificent Scandinavian vibe.

During the ride you’ll see some 
of the famous elements of the Norse history and culture.


During the two minutes of the ride the closest thing you’ll see is the cart. The cart is the central element of the ride plot. It transforms during the ride and interacts with other objects on its way.

On the main dashboard there’s a speedometer that displays all the states the cart is in.

Our talented font designer created a logo for the ride inspired by vintage car logos.

We followed the product development approach while designing the cart. We constantly communicated with the client and showed the results of each step.

in the metaverse

To make the discussion process quick and informative, we used our metaverse showroom to iterate all the changes. It was as natural as possible: we all put on our headsets, got in VR space, and tested the cart by literally sitting in it and interacting with it. For instance, the size of the cart is a tricky matter, so we were testing the view from 10 different cart sizes, so that the experience would be most convenient.


All the accompanying sound was made in-house. As users go through the VR space, they encounter sound emitters that activate at the right moments of the plot. As a result, we get a realistic stereo experience.

It's a render from the engine

Easter Eggs

We love Easter eggs – they are a fun way to highlight the partners’ brand, and to integrate a couple of insider jokes.

Beware the armed goose! It’s just one of the dangers you’ll deal with on your way.

One of the ride’s partners is Strömma, a major touristic company in Sweden. There’ll be Strömma flags all over the place — can you spot all of them?

The policeman that appears during the rescue mission for ducklings (you’ll love it) is an homage to a member of the client team. The ship you’ll see in the scene is also Strömma-branded.

This cat is a loyal companion to our VR-rides.

On the cart’s display board you can see our client as a bobble head. And yes, he’s dressed as Pippi Longstocking, Sweden’s all-time favorite cartoon character.

Ride's Features


This VR attraction is perfectly optimized for people with any health limitations or challenges, as it doesn’t require any specific physical preparation to be used to the full extent. The ride venue setup requires an operator who is ready to assist users in case they have trouble getting into the rig.

Cost-effective Operation

We provided the client team with a customized Android-based app 
for launching the ride remotely on an unlimited amount of rigs at the same time. Just one operator needed to do this work — so it’s extremely 

The development process started in January, and the ride opened in June 2023.

In 5 months, we launched a full-scale VR entertainment experience that the client’s business can immediately monetize. We’ve reached this level of efficiency thanks to our tried and tested production pipeline.


Alex Markin

Creative Director

Elizaveta Antipinskaya

Project Manager

Michael Shaevich

Project Manager

Ivan Knyazev

Art Director

Nikita Reshetnikov

Lead Developer

Vladimir Shatunov


Artem Arakelov


Anna Cheremnykh

VFX Artist

Anastasiya Vlasova

3D Artist

Anna Tyutyakina

3D Artist

Ivan Ilyin

3D Artist

Danil Khramkov

3D Artist

Konstantin Ostroukhov


Alexey Perminov

Case Study Designer

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