
Creating, editing and discussing large documents in a team


The Association “National Society of Technology in Education” (NOTO) is a community of teachers who strive to make education in Russia more technological and advanced.

NOTO is a partner of many educational organisations and developers of solutions for schools and universities.

NOTO’s mission is to improve the educational environment, implement the latest technologies in education and increase the digital competencies of teachers.

Project objectives

To provide NOTO with the ability to create documents that will become laws or will be used for teachers’ training manuals.


To create a tool for joint development of documents by all members of NOTO.


Ассоциация «Национальное общество технологий в образовании» —сообщество преподавателей и учителей, которые стремятся сделать образование в России технологичным и передовым.

НОТО — партнермножества образовательных организаций и разработчиков решений для школ и университетов.

Миссия НОТО — усовершенствовать образовательную среду, внедрить новейшие технологии в образование и повысить цифровые компетенции учителей.

Цель проекта

Предоставить НОТО возможность создавать документы, которые станут законами или пойдут в учительские методички.


Создать инструмент для совместной разработки документов всеми участниками НОТО.



We thought that this task would be best solved by something that is functionally similar to applications for remote collaboration.

And we created such a program from scratch. This was the only way we could take into account all the tasks and peculiarities of the processes in NOTO.



Each member has a profile card.

Optionally, the user can choose a status badge for others to understand what role he or she plays in the development of projects.

They can also set up notifications to receive only the important ones.

Later, all versions of documents that the user takes part in, and all their comments will appear in the profile.



Everything that users need is located on the dashboard, they can go directly to all sections of the system.

As soon as the user joins the development of documents, they appear on the main page.



In order to become a full member of NOTO Expert, users join groups:

groups by profile

группы по цели

Participants can create groups themselves. Any participant can start a group and:

invite all current members
of NOTO Expert,

send an email invitation to those who are not yet registered in NOTO.



In this section, the users of the system can see a list of documents they are involved with.

In order for the user not to get confused in a huge number of similar documents and their editions, we have divided them into current and archived ones.



The user marks important groups and documents with a star, and they appear on the main page. This way, they are easy to find and hard to lose.


Creating a document


Each member can create their own document – to open it directly in the service or download the ready one in Excel or JSON format.

The next step is to invite groups to join its development. If the group administrator accepts the invitation, all members of the group get access to this document.



This is where the main part begins. Participants modify the original document – both its separate parts and the structure as a whole:

suggest new versions of paragraphs;

comment on the original paragraphs and their versions suggested by other members of the group;

like the paragraphs that they consider optimal.



Здесь начинается все то, ради чего был затеян проект. Участники дорабатывают оригинальный документ — как отдельные его части, так и структуру в целом:

предлагают новые версии параграфов;

комментируют исходные параграфы и их версии,
предложенные другими участниками группы;

отвечают на комментарии;

ставят лайки параграфам, которые считают оптимальными.


Silence mode

The owner of the document can suspend the process of completion when there are plenty of comments already and it is time to reassemble the document.

Each group member gives one vote for a paragraph option or a document version, even if they didn't participate in the discussion. They can vote for their own suggestions.

Каждый участник группы отдает один голос за вариант параграфа или версию документа, даже если не принимал участия в обсуждении. За свои предложения голосовать можно.


Document assembly

After the vote, the owner of the document assembles its second version – replaces the old paragraphs with the new ones with the most likes and, if necessary, edits the structure:

viewing paragraph versions

version edits

comments to the version

The second stage of improvements is based on the same principle:discussion – voting – assembly. And so on until everyone is satisfied with the final document.

Вторая волна доработок проходит по тому же принципу: обсуждение — голосование — сборка. И так до тех пор, пока не появится документ, который удовлетворяет всех.



The finished document can be downloaded to a computer in Excel and JSON formats or printed directly from the system.


Technical features

NOTO Expert is a huge branched tree with an unlimited number of levels:

  • — the document consists of paragraphs;
  • — versions are created based on paragraphs;
  • — each version can be evaluated, commented on, used as a basis for a new version;
  • — each comment can be answered.

And then the next new assembly can be created.

To enable such a complex system work fast, we used:


Mobile version

The mobile version works exactly the same as the desktop version.


groups by profile

document assembly

All the functionality when working with documents is also available from any device.

creating a document

paragraph versions

making edits



At the moment, NOTO Expert system performs the main functions.

The members of NOTO can: Create groups and documents,

Suggest their own text options,

Comment and vote for the best paragraphs and document versions,

Approve the final document.

участники НОТО создают группы
и документы;

участники НОТО создают;

комментируют и голосуют
за лучшие параграфы
и версии документов;

утверждают финальный документ.


We also worked on the logo.The original logo didn't suit for several parameters:

  • — excessive;
  • — heterogeneous;
  • — not typographic;
  • — inconspicuous at low resolution.

We have simplified the tree, left the successive appearance of the contact tracks of the circuit board, made the tree look more like the “T" letter.

We made the logo applicable on any media, got rid of the parasitic thickness differences and led it to a single module.

Future perspective

We continue to refine the service so that users can:

send private messages to each other and chat within the system,

view shared calendars and
add events to them,

conduct surveys and view response statistics.


Project team


Alexey Kulakov

MVP technical development manager

Sasha Kuznetsov

technical supervisor

Anton Fedorov

project manager

Sergey Zherebtsov

logo designer

Ivan Toropov


Vanya Marchenko

art director

Dasha Prokuda


Sergey Novoselov


Maxim Vigura


Maxim Smirnov


Kostya Chukharev


Vova Sadchikov

Консультант, делал логотип

Алексей Кулаков

технический руководитель разработки MVP

Саша Кузнецов

технический руководитель

Саша Кузнецов

менеджер проекта

Сергей Жеребцов


Даша Прокуда


Сергей Новоселов

делал логотип

Ваня Торопов


Максим Вигура


Максим Смирнов


Костя Чухарев


Ваня Марченко


Вова Садчиков

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