Terms of use
1. Main provisions
This Terms of use (hereinafter - the “Agreement”) is a public offer ofthe Jetstyle Sp.z.o.o (hereinafter - the Administration), addressed to alladult persons with legal capacity, to conclude an Agreement regulating thelegal relationship between the Administration and users of the Software(Service).

The person who accepts this offer by expressing consent to its termsis referred to as "the User", the Administration and the User arecollectively referred to as “the Parties”.

Any actions of the User to use in the Service, authorization of theUser and any other actions performed by the User in the Service are recognizedby the parties as an expression of full and unconditional agreement with theterms public offer (offer acceptance). The term of acceptance is not limited.

Acceptance of this public offer also means that the User enters intothis agreement voluntarily and informed that the User has read the text of thisAgreement, understands the meaning of its provisions and possible liabilitymeasures for non-compliance, and also has the authority to enter into theAgreement.

The Administration grants the Users a non-exclusive right to use theService, its functions and capabilities under the terms of a perpetualnon-exclusive license. Service is provided “as is”, the Administration does notguarantee the availability of the Service around the clock, 365 days a year.

The Administration will take all possible measures to promptlyeliminate the shortcomings of the Service, which entail its inaccessibility,but the Administration does not guarantee the Users the absence of technicalerrors in the operation of the software.

The User guarantees do not copy, modify, modify, decompile the software provided to the User, in order to obtain the source andobject code of the software in order to perform any actions violating therights and legitimate interests of the Administration.
2. Definitions
Service is a software application designed for VR headsets, enablingusers to engage in dance training through augmented reality. It provides animmersive learning experience by overlaying digital dance instructions onto theuser's real-world environment.

Users are individuals authorized in the Service.
3. About the service.
The Service is a training platform for learning dance, with aparticular focus on salsa.

It provides users with step-by-step guidance on mastering fundamentalmovements and footwork through the use of augmented reality technology.

As the user wears a VR headset, the Service projects visual cues forthe next dance move directly into their field of vision, offering a highlyimmersive and interactive learning experience.

Unlike traditional VR, the user remains fully aware of theirreal-world environment, including the dance floor and surrounding space, whichallows them to safely and effectively practice the required steps.

By aligning their body movements with the projected guidance, userscan closely monitor their technique and progress. This combination ofreal-world awareness and digital instruction ensures that the learning processfeels natural, intuitive, and conducive to mastering the complexities of salsa dancing
4. Rights and obligations of users
The user is solely responsiblefor the security of the login and password used for authorization in secret. All actions carried out under the account are recognized by the Administrationby the actions of the user directly, unless the user informs the Administrationin any available way of losing control over the account. The administration isnot responsible for any damage caused to the user as a result of unauthorizedaccess to his account.

While authorization, the user isobliged to provide complete and accurate information about himself/herself, thepersonal data of users are processed by the Administration subject to theprovisions of the Privacy Policy.

The administration is entitled atany time to request from the User any additional information necessary toidentify the user or to correctly provide him/her with the right of access tothe Service.

The administration has the rightat any time to stop providing the user with the service of access to theService, including, but not limited, after the following user actions:

- use in correspondence with the Administration ofprofanity, direct insults, other expressions insulting honor and dignity,

- indication while authorization or subsequent change ofdata, personal data and information belonging to another person (identitytheft).
5. Payments
The Service is offered completely free of charge, providing users with unrestricted access to all its features and functionalities. There are no hidden fees, subscriptions, or in-app purchases required to use the Service.
6. Responsibilities of the parties
In case of any disputes ordisagreements related to the execution of this Agreement, the Parties will makeevery effort to resolve it in negotiations. The parties have established amandatory claim procedure for resolving disputes, the Party that received theclaim must give a reasoned response within 30 calendar days. If disputes willnot be resolved in negotiations and/or in the complaint procedure, disputesshall be settled in accordance with the procedure established by the currentlegislation of the Republic of Poland.

The users are personally liablefor any actions carried out by them or under their account on the Service. Theuser guarantees that none of his/her actions will lead to a violation of thelaw or the rights and interests of third parties.

The user guarantees that duringthe use of the Service he/she will not upload to the Service, distribute and/orprovide access to any material that violates applicable laws, includingmaterials of an extremist, pornographic or slanderous nature.

The user guarantees that duringthe use of the Service he/she will not use malicious software and other meansdisrupting the normal functioning of the Service both for the userhimself/herself and for other users and/or the Administration.

The user guarantees that whileusing the Service he/she will not abuse his/her rights to use the service.The user guarantees that duringthe use of the Service he/she will not collect and process personal data ofindividuals.

The administration is notresponsible for any actions or omissions of users that caused harm to thirdparties, for damages, both in the form of direct damage, and in the form oflost profits, for the temporary or permanent inability of the user to use thefunctionality of the Service.

The user undertakes to resolveany disputes at his/her own expense, including legal disputes arising fromlegal relations or actions including court costs, expenses for arepresentative, compensation for harm, other expenses determined by the court.
7. Final provisions
All relations between theAdministration and the Users are governed by the applicable laws of theRepublic of Poland.

The agreement comes into forcefrom the moment of its publication on the Service. The Administration reservesthe right to change and/or supplement the agreement at any time at itsdiscretion. All changes to the agreement take legal effect from the moment ofpublication. Use of the Service after the renewal of the agreement means theconsent of the User with the new edition of the agreement. Any user has theright to refuse to use the Service and refuse to accept the new version of theagreement by deleting the account.

The Service operator is Jetstyle Sp.z.o.o.

ul. Kalwaryjska 69/9, 30-504 Kraków, Poland


KRS 0000613458

REGON 364242942

NIP 6793126560